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111 genes
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Sample types
We aim to keep the list with sample types updated. However, if you believe we offer this gene panel on other sample types, or if you have a very specific sample type you'd like to evaluate : please contact the corresponding persons for either diagnostic or research purposes.
* Microtube can be a either a cryovial or eppendorf tube (0,5 ; 1,5 or 2 ml). Please consider the quality of the tube used (nuclease free ; free of RNA/DNA ; sterile ; LoBind) according to application needed.
Extra requirements
Absorbance ratio A260/A230 - Minimum
DNA from various tissues
Minimum: 1,5
Lower values are indicative for indicative for EDTA, carbohydrate, chaotropic salts (and also protein) contamination
Absorbance ratio A260/A280 - Minimum
DNA from various tissues
Minimum: 1,5
Lower values are indicative for indicative for protein, phenol or other aromatic compound contamination

For Diagnostic testing
When requested through your General Practitioner / Clinical Geneticist / Pathologist / Hematologist, costs will be covered through your health insurance. The costs involved will be those for your consultation and/or 'remgeld'.
For Research testing
Below, you can find indicative prices (excl. VAT) for all potential options you'd require to accomplish your project. If you are interested, please contact us to receive a tailored quotation.
Update pending
Our prices are being updated. More info soon.

Documents & certificates