Using a microarray technology, a wide range of applications can be serviced, where content/specificity is defined by the probes on the array. A grasp of the possible applications :
Genotyping (multi-species)
Gene expression analysis
Methylation profiling
miRNA profiling
Pharmacogenetic testing
With the advent of Massive Parallel Sequencing (MPS) or Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), array technologies are steadily getting abandonded, however for some applications (like methylation profiling and pharmacogenetics), they remain a - sometimes cost-beneficial - gold standard.
For the Affymetrix technology, either DNA (genotyping/CNV assays) or cRNA (expression arrays) is terminally labelled and hybridized to short probes on a wafer. The ability of the DNA/cRNA to hybridize to the specific probes correlates to the presence of the transcript, DNA target or SNV. Signal intensities are analyzed to quantify abundance of the target of interest.
The Illumina Infinium technology is based on the hybridization of DNA (target of interest) to bead-linked probes (1 type of probe per bead), where the beads on its turn are deposited in wells on a silica slide (1 bead/well). Following successful hybridization of the target DNA to the probe, a single base extension of the probe is performed. As this base is labelled with either biotin (C and G) or dinitrophenyl (A and T), they can be stained differentially with a fluorescently labelled antibody for either biotin or dinitrophenyl. There are 2 types of probes, (1) the Infinium I probe where the last base of the probe overlaps with the SNV of interest and (2) the Infinium II probe where the last base of this probe is 1 base before the SNV of interest. So in case of the Infinium II probes, there will always be a signal, where the detected color correlates to the SNV. For the Infinium I probe, there will only be a color signal if the last base of the probe matches with the target of interest.
The principle of the Illumina Infinium technology is depicted in the movie below.
Basic principle of the Illumina Infinium technology
The following array devices are present in our premises.

Affymetrix GeneChip 3000
Medium throughput SNP array device, where 48 samples (1 sample/genechip) can be processed simultaneously per run.

Illumina iScan
Medium throughput SNP array device, where 4 beadchips can be scanned/loaded simultaneously. The amount of samples that can be loaded is dependent on the assay/beadchip.
The specifications are subdivided in 2 sections : (1) the assay metrics and (2) applications & remarks.
More information can be found on the supplier page through the corresponding buttons in the 'Assay metrics' section.
Assay metrics
Sample type
Kits currently in use
Volume/input range
Sensitivity (input)
Applications & remarks
Applications (possible)
Applications (in use)
Affymetrix GeneChip 3000
Genotyping (multi-species), Cytogenomics, Gene expression analysis, Methylation profiling, miRNA profiling
Gene expression analysis
Mainly used for expression analysis. Convenient workflow due to the automated washing and staining on the Fluidics stations and the carrousel for the automated loading of up to 48 arrays.
The flexibility of 1 sample/array is a benefit.
Illumina iScan
Genotyping (multi-species), Cytogenomics, Methylation profiling, miRNA profiling, Pharmacogenetic testing
Genotyping (multi-species), Cytogenomics, Methylation profiling, Pharmacogenetic testing
Highly used platform for Karyomapping (in context of PGT), methylation profiling and pharmacogenomics.
In order to minimize cost, the beadchips have to be fully loaded (more samples/array possible ; number of samples are array-specific).

Under validation

BRIGHTcore general inquires
+32 (0)2 477 64 79 (sec)
UZ Brussel
Laarbeeklaan 101
1090 Brussels
We aim to keep te list with sample types updated. However, if you believe we offer this test on other sample types, of if you have a very specific sample type you'd like to evaluate : please contact us.
Tissue | Recipient | Quantity | Transport | Purpose / Extract |
DNA from various tissues | Microtube* or 96 well plate | See test details/specifications | Room temperature | DNA |
RNA from various tissues | Microtube* or 96 well plate | See test details/specifications | Ice (max. 20 min) or dry ice | RNA |
* Microtube can be a either a cryovial or eppendorf tube (0,5 ; 1,5 or 2 ml). Please consider the quality of the tube used (nuclease free ; free of RNA/DNA ; sterile ; LoBind) according to application needed.
Below, you can find the deliverable for this test.
If you require more information or need a more custom output, please contact us.
Deliverable | Description | Research or diagnostic |
Affy raw data - CEL file | Normalized intensities from the DAT file as generated by the Affymetrix GeneChip | RUO (on request) |
Affy raw data - DAT file | The exported intensity data generated by the Affymetrix GeneChip | RUO (on request) |
iScan genotype calls - gtc file | The converted intensity data files (.idat) to actual genotypes (based on the .dmap file) | Diagnostic / RUO |
iScan raw data - idat file | The exported intensity data generated by the iScan | Diagnostic / RUO |
Run folder | The complete run folder can be transferred if it concerns a run reservation (private run) | RUO (on request) |
To set experiments up with us, please follow the steps below.
Explain your project, so we can assist you to find the best solution.
Expect questions like :
What type of sample would you like to analyze?
What is the aim of your experiment?
How many samples would you like to process?
How fast do you need the results (TAT) and/or do we need to expedite?
If you deviate from our sample types, are there test samples available?
Are our standard deliverables ok?

Request quotation
Once you know which experiment you want to set up, fill out the 'Quote request' form, with the essential details of your project :
Coordinates of the person to whom to address the quotation
Which type of test you'd like to set up
Do you require a specific deliverable?
Do we need to expedite (comes at extra cost)?

Submit your samples
Once you agree with our terms (quote / TAT / terms & conditions) :
Fill out our sample submission form
Send it via email : contact us​
Print out the form and include it with your samples
Send your samples to us​​​
Follow the instuctions given during the "Get in touch (1)" phase
Label your tubes/plates correctly : see details here
Adhere to the corresponding transport conditions listed under Sample types​
Indicate if we can discard your samples​ after completion of project

Your experiment starts
Now it is up to us... We will start your experiment as soon as possible.
When expedited, the turn-around-time (TAT) is 2 weeks​
For standard requests the turn-around-time (TAT) is 2 months​
The standard TAT is generally overestimated, but this extended timeframe allows us to : combine similar requests of multiple scientists and to repeat the experiment in case of issues.
Please refrain from contacting us in case the pre-agreed TAT didn't expire yet.