BRIGHTcore is embedded within the molecular laboratories of the UZ Brussel (AMPLiUZ). AMPLiUZ consists of 4 units : the Centre for Medical Genetics, Molecular Hematology, HLA lab and Microbiology.
ISO certification of the platform was a key objective, since both research as diagnostic partners require qualitative and traceable results.
These first 3 tests that werev BELAC accredited were :
BRCA testing​
The scope of the tests offered continuously expanded from then on and our portfolio can be consulted under the "What we do" section.
Our laboratories comply with the most strict regulations and were designed to minimize the risk on sample contamination :
Seperated activities (DNA/RNA extraction, pre amplification lab, post amplification lab, cell culture lab,...)
Air locks at the entrance of every molecular lab
UV sterilization facilities