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Which buffer should we use to dilute our DNA samples?We prefer the following buffer : 10 mM Tris-HCl pH8 + 0.1 mM EDTA Other buffers are possible, as long as you take the test specific "Minimum requirements" into consideration. For this, please consider the "What we do" section.
Where should I send my samples to?You can send your samples to the following address : UZ Brussel - BRIGHTcore T.a.v. Ben Caljon Laarbeeklaan 101 1090 Brussel Please notify BRIGHTcore up front if you're sending samples. This way we can track if your samples suffer from a delay in sample shipment. Also, please include a letter listing all samples and the test requested, preferably by filling out our sample submission form.
Should I send my samples frozen?That depends on the sample type and the requested assay : DNA : can be shipped at room temperature RNA : should be shipped on Ice : if samples take less than 20 minutes to reach our lab Dry ice : if sample shipment takes more than 20 minutes Blood : EDTA blood (preferably 9 ml) is stable for 2 days at room temperature and 1 week at 2-8°C Plasma : For cfDNA analyses, plasma should be shipped to our lab within 2 days (at room temperature) or 1 week if frozen, For cfRNA analyses, samples should be send on dry ice Tissue : If the tissue is not intended to create a cell culture, please freeze sample as soon as possible (DNA/RNA) or stabilize in RNAlater (RNA) and ship the samples on dry ice If the tissue is intended for culturing (eg. skin biopsy), please provide us with the sample at room temperature as soon as possible Cell culture : For DNA assays : send culture in fresh medium or send pellet on dry ice For RNA assays : send culture in fresh medium or stabilize in RNAlater and ship frozen
Can we get the leftovers of our (precious) samples back?Yes - upon request - samples can be shipped back to your lab. Please notify us up front OR within 2 months following completion of your sequencing experiment. Please indicate in the sample submission form whether or not your samples need to be returned (or not). Standardly, samples will remain stored at our facilities during 2 months following completion of the sequencing experiment. Please note that after this period your samples will be removed from our cooled storage.
Can we send tissue samples or blood to your center?Yes, the DNA and RNA extraction can be performed at our facilities, as long as the samples are of human origin. We have expertise in extracting DNA and RNA from a wide variety of tissues, however, we currently don't perform FFPE DNA/RNA extractions at our premises.
What is the turnaround time?Our general Turn Around Time (TAT) is 2 months, but we intend to specify theses turn around times per assay type. The updated TATs will be specified in the "What we do" section. BRIGHTcore will contact the responsible scientist upfront when the TAT will be exceeded Bioinformatics.
Can you help on custom bioinformatics projects?Yes, the development of custom bioinformatic tools is possible, but we will need to charge the bioinformatician's time spend on development. Up front consultation is of course free of charge.
Do you have specific software packages we can use?Yes, scientists who make use of our services are welcome to use the following (commercial) software tools at our premises : Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA)
What is the affiliation of BRIGHTcore scientists?Thank you for considering us on your papers! Our correct affiliation is as follows: Brussels Interuniversity Genomics High Throughput core (BRIGHTcore), UZ Brussel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) - Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Laarbeeklaan 101, 1090 Brussels, Belgium
How can I acknowledge BRIGHTcore?If our services helped you to publish any paper, we appreciate to be included in the acknowledgements. Please do so by stating the following sentence: Sequencing / Microarray analysis / Data analysis / ... was performed at the Brussels Interuniversity Genomics High Throughput core ( Thank you for your consideration!
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