Massive Parallel Sequencing

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Massive Parallel Sequencing (MPS), also known as Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is the collection of technologies that are able to genotype (determine the sequence) of DNA or RNA fragments in a massive and parallel fashion.
The second generation MPS technologies rely on clonal amplification of the DNA/RNA fragments to be genotyped, whilst third generation MPS technologies can directly sequence single DNA/RNA fragments without prior clonal amplification.
The second generation technologies generate short sequences of the clonally amplified fragments and are referred to as short-read sequencers. They rely on sequencing-by-synthesis (SBS), where the stepwise incorporation of nucleotides - starting from a sequencing primer - is detected through changes in either fluorescence, pH or impedance. These technologies generally have a low error rate.
The third generation technologies generate long sequences and are referred to as long-read sequencers. The sequence of the DNA (or RNA) fragment to be inferred, is established by measuring either (1) the potential difference over a membrane when this fragment migrates through an nanopore embedded in this membrane or (2) the real-time incorporation of fluorescently labelled nucleic acids by a polymerase. Generally, these technologies have a higher error rate than the 2nd generation sequencing technologies.
Specifications & applications
Flow cell types
Standard v2
Standard v3
Nano v2
Micro v2
Max. read length
> 4 Mb
250 bp
300 bp
250 bp
150 bp
250 bp
150 bp
150 bp
150 bp
Max. run time
72h (interruptible at all time)
Max. capacity (bases)
< 50 Gb
8,5 Gb
15 Gb
0,5 Gb
1,2 Gb
400 Gb
500 Gb
1250 Gb
3000 Gb
Max. capacity (reads)*
< 5M (for avg. 10K bp reads)
15M SE - 30M PE
25M SE - 50M PE
1M SE - 2M PE
4M SE - 8M PE
0,8B SE - 1,6B PE
1,6B SE - 3,2B PE
4,1B SE - 8,2B PE
10B SE - 20B PE
* Abbreviations used : SR = Single Read ; PE = Paired End ; M = million ; B = Billion ; Gb = Gigabases
** To know more about the Q score metric, see below

Sample types

PCR products (amplicons) > DNA
Microtube* or 96 well plate
See test details/specifications
Room temperature

Blood > DNA
EDTA tube
10 ml (min. 3 ml)
Room temperature

Blood > RNA
PAXgene Blood RNA tube
10 ml (2,5 ml blood)
Ice pack

Blood > cfDNA/ctDNA
Streck Cell-Free DNA BCT
9 ml
Room temperature

Blood > cfRNA/exoRNA
Streck RNA Complete BCT
10 ml
Room temperature

Cells of various tissue origins > DNA
Microtube* with cell pellet or on lysis buffer
> 5 million cells
Dry ice

Cells of various tissue origins > RNA
Microtube* with cells on lysis buffer
> 5 million cells
Dry ice

DNA from various tissues > DNA
Microtube* or 96 well plate
See test details/specifications
Room temperature

Blood > DNA
DBS / Guthrie card / Punch in microtube*
Min. 1 punch
Room temperature

FFPE block of various tissues > DNA
Paraffin block (in cassette)
Representative block ; Tumor load preferentially >10% ; To be processed by our pathology department (microtome section needed)
Room temperature

FFPE block of various tissues > RNA
Paraffin block (in cassette)
Representative block ; Tumor load preferentially >10% ; To be processed by our pathology department (microtome section needed)
Room temperature

FFPE section of various tissues > DNA
Min. 1x 10 µm section (up to 2 mm³ tissue) ; Tumor load preferentially >10%
Room temperature

FFPE section of various tissues > RNA
Min. 1x 10 µm section (up to 2 mm³ tissue) ; Tumor load preferentially >10%
Room temperature

NGS library (non-PCR free) > DNA
Microtube* or 96 well plate
See test details/specifications
Room temperature or ice pack

NGS library (PCR free) > DNA
Microtube* or 96 well plate
See test details/specifications
Ice (max. 1 day) or dry ice

Plasma > cfDNA/ctDNA
DNA LoBind 5 ml tube
> 2ml
Dry ice

Plasma > cfRNA/exoRNA
DNA LoBind 5 ml tube
> 2ml
Dry ice

RNA from various tissues > RNA
See test details/specifications
Ice (max. 20 min) or dry ice

RNA from various tissues > RNA
Microtube* or 96 well plate
See test details/specifications
Ice (max. 20 min) or dry ice