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Illumina iScan
Illumina iScan

Medium throughput SNP array device, where 4 beadchips can be scanned/loaded simultaneously. The amount of samples that can be loaded is dependent on the assay/beadchip.


Probes specific for a target of interest are plotted on beads (1 target/bead). The beads on its turn are deposited in wells (1 bead/well) of a silica-based array/wafer, the so-called BeadChip. Targets are detected/genotyped following single base extension (base-specific fluorescent tag).

Sponsor / owner

This device was acquired by the CMG of the UZ Brussel.

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Maintenance contract

The maintenance contract was funded by the CMG of UZ Brussel for the first 7 years of operation. The contract is prolonged by BRIGHTcore.

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BRIGHTcore / T +32 (0)2 477 64 79 / F +32 (0)2 477 68 59

Photography / See our Colofon

Content & illustrations / Ben Caljon

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